Designer Bouquet and Flower Gift
blooms overview
Whether you're planning to give—or hoping to receive—flowers on a special day, brushing up on the meaning behind the blooms will likely inform your choices or heighten your appreciation of your sweet-smelling gift.
Fresh Flower Bouquet
Abundant mix of fresh flower ingredients imported from around the world are used in our fresh flower bouquets.
“La La Land” Movie Themed
Preserved Flower Bouquet
“ City of stars, Are you shining just for me? “
Preserved roses from Japan, decorated with preserved and dry materials in a bold modern style.
Transfer to a vase and you have a bloom that will never withered.
“About Time” Movie Themed
Preserved Flower Glass Ball
“ You were then, and still are to me, the most beautiful thing in the world. “
Preserved roses from Japan, decorated with movie quote message highlighted in golden ink.